To the barricades!
In best Oxford tradition Queens college have just announced rent increases well over the rate of inflation, at the time of year when the students are least well placed to respond. (its summer, and most people are elsewhere). As an undergraduate I was heavily involved in trying to organise rent strikes, demonstrations and other such resistance. Its worth pointing out that it only came to such desperate measures because the college in question (LMH) was extremely reluctant to explain how it worked out its numbers, what else it had considered and so on.
Hopefully Queens will be more accomodating. All I want to see is the business case they've got for these increases and an explanation as to why nothing else they've considered (like cutting costs or raising new funds or selling stuff) is appropriate.
Failing that I guess we'll just have to protest. And I'll be doing it for you kids, since I'll never actually pay any of these new prices. (I've paid my last rent cheque, these are for next year)