Lots to talk about, but not much time to talk with I'm afraid. Lets see
I've landed a summer business project with a major technology company. I can't say too much about it because we're still negotiating the details of how we're going to work with them and there's a chance it could fall through. More on this as it emerges.
In other news my preparations for the football match against Cambridge business school (Judge) have been thrown into disarray by my managing to badly bruise my right foot, which makes playing football kind of difficult. So I'm facing a fitness test tomorrow and I'm rating myself less than 50/50 for the big match. Still there's a whole festival of sports planned for the day at cambridge so I may manage to play cricket or basketball - anything that doesn't involve kicking things with my feet is still an option.
I really have to get started on the coursework for this term. I'm planning on starting on the ethics case this afternoon, I've got two individual and two group assignments for branding - and I plan to knock out the individual ones soon.
Finally rumours have reached me of an interesting job in warwick. It's hardly ideal locationwise, but the job is interesting and it's near an airport, which is important when your better half will be living in Holland. This is good news, because all the work is seriously impeding my ability to jobhunt.