Ain't no free riding in this town
Free riding is the phenomenon whereby someone in a study group doesn't pull their weight, and as I understand it it happens at pretty much every business school. The only way to deal with it is for the students who are on the recieving end to get stroppy and cause problems. The ultimate sanction of taking someones' name off a piece of work is so drastic no one ever uses it.Following a discussion with the course director (who is an economist and felt that some kind of market mechanism would be sufficient to fix this) Maria and I came up with the following :-
At the end of each term (but before any marks are known) all studygroup members submit anonymous marks out of 10 for each of their study group colleagues.
Those students in the bottom 20% are then formed into studygroups by themselves with the normal process being applied to everyone else.
You could set a minimum score for avoiding this, so if the whole class performs well no one need suffer.
The incentive would be to contribute as otherwise next term you would be guaranteed to find yourself in a group of unco-operative free riders. Worse, while it might not be announced which group is which the class is pretty quickly going to work out who comprise the 'plague ship' making finding NBD and SBP teams difficult for them.
Good news is that this proposal is going forward for consideration in some form and may be applied to next years students. If anyone knows of any similar systems at other business schools or has comments on this idea I'd love to hear about them.