The Homeless Guy
Somewhere in Nashville there's a guy writing a blog about being on the streets. He's intelligent, articulate, writes well and generally runs a good blog. He's not on drugs or alcohol and he's getting off the streets as we speak. I don't know how he got there in the first place, but he talks a lot about homelessness as a recidivist thing, about how people get off and go back, about all kinds of things. Someone really should give this guy a job formulating policy somewhere.Oxford has a lot of homeless folk. Some sell the Big Issue and after a few months they're not on the streets anymore, or not in Oxford anyway. They tend to be the ones like this guy, able to function, able to make a difference, the kind of people you can imagine getting sorted and being OK. Then there are the ones who've been around here forever, who sit about drinking or shooting up, who swear at passers by and who've clearly lost the plot big time. I'm not sure how you deal with them it really is a case of give them money and they'll turn it into alcohol or drugs. They need social services, but social services are probably at breaking point already.
We're a rich country. How the hell did this happen?
Oh, and they're a couple of teenagers hanging round the main bus station begging and doing no-one any favours. Their story is that they've run out of money for the bus home and need a few quid to back safe and sound, odd then that they're there on such a regular basis. They open with a lot of "I'm sorry, this is really bad, but I'm not on drugs or anything". No you're not, you're not even begging, you're sodding con artists and sooner or later some wideboy coming out of a pub will turn you into con artists with broken faces. Oxford really isn't the kind of place to try this on, late on a Friday night.