Weekend Roundup
I'll start by saying that all those who warn me that physical activity is bad for your health may have a point. This weekends football match against Imperial College has left me with both wounded pride (a 10-3 defeat in our first 11 a side game.) and a bloody great bruise on my arm gained as I missed my fourth one on one with the keeper of the day.... Still, could have been worse and if we'd had our full side out, (including for instance people who can finish better than me) I reckon we'd have stood a chance.
Thats assuming we could have overcome whats not so much a language problem as a lack of language problem. Pretty much the whole Imperial side were British (their course group is apparently fairly multicultural though) which meant they all understood phrases like 'push up', 'sit in', 'so and so wants' and all the rest. Following half a dozen five a side games we've learned the english football phrases 'time' and 'man on', but useful as these were the transition to big pitches required vocabulary we just didn't have. Ah well.
Still, following our thrashing both sides decamped to the pub to drink beer, eat food and watch Spurs deliver a similar level of humiliation to Leeds, which was nice. It also gave us a chance to chat with some folk on other MBA programs and the conclusion is - MBA students are pretty similar all over the place. Same mix of well travelled, multi-skilled bright folk. Somewhere along the line we're all learning to fit into an MBA subculture, the kind of thing that means in years to come we'll wander into a fortune 500 company, look at the people in the cantine and spot the ones with the same qualifications. Wierd, but possibly true.
In fact this weekend has been largely about fitting work in around sport, what with having to suffer watching Newcastle fall apart at Old Trafford
again (It's always on TV too) and then cheering myself up by watching England annihilate South Africa in the rugby. Oh, and on my way to watch the game I ran across an awful lot of people I used to work with on their way out of a wedding and heading for a pub, congratulations guys.
There was also a party thrown by a friend of mine - the theme was historical - which was held to include the late 20th century. Since costume is not something I own a lot of I donned a wig, unearthed an old leather jacket and went as my earlier self. (Once upon a time I had several feet of hair, these days I have several milimeters). While several people looked on in confusion it was worth it for the hostesses reaction of "Oh my God, you've come as you!". Happy Birthday Liz.
The result of all this was that work has been forced to exist around the edges for a few days. However with three weeks to go to exams its time to do the decent thing, cut down on the nights out and give up alcohol for a few weeks. No more quiet beers, just fruitjuice and hard work from now on.