Because I'm worth it
L'Oreal careers gig this evening. Come work for us, big brands, career structure, freedom to pursue your goals, varied roles, responsibility as soon as you want it. One day I'll go to one of these and a company will say something interesting, something that makes me bounce up in my chair and go 'Wow! give me a job, pay me peanuts, just let me into your offices!' but it wasn't L'Oreal. Very slick though, and you can't fault the commitment, the MD UK and half his head honchos were down here, and give them their due, they were an impressively young bunch, as one told me..
"L'Oreal believe in MBA's"
which is nice. So there I was, thinking of awkward questions to ask and I thought, no, I'll just ask them about online marketing - it's in their brochure, only nobody knew anything. Well, that's kind of harsh, their head of HR guy knew enough to talk about it for five minutes, long enough for me to realise that L'Oreal just aren't taking it seriously enough. They're starting to make the right noises though, relationships, closeness, intimacy, its just you and a screen online, just like putting on makeup I guess, you and a mirror. Sit down, look for yourself in the reflection - who knows. Anyway, L'Oreal don't get the web yet, I mean, the effort that must have gone into
this, and yet no one's watching. Ah well. Still, double digit profit growth for seventeen years, you can't knock the rest of the business.
L'Oreal, worth a CV?
Oh, and they have this
e-strat game. Which looks like a genuine attempt to do something cool, in fact, it looks like it could be a fine and exciting game. It also looks like a time killer, and the prize for not winning is four days in Paris and an MP3 player, assuming you come close. After that it's t-shirts. I'm guessing that winning this is a lot of effort, say 100+ productive hours between three people. Easily enough time for an MBA student to earn enough to buy their own damn MP3 player and a week in Paris. Today's big idea :-
Don't sell the prizes, sell the game, it's all most of us will get.
Besides, until I can compete one on one (or team on team) rather than trying to rack up a score against a machine I'm not interested. We all know algorythms aren't as clever as we are, but other people, well
now you're talking.